Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Method behind Free Ad Submission by Blastomatic

The more webpages you have linked to your site, the better the chances are that you will be ranked higher in the search engines. Yes, you still need to pay attention to Meta Tags, Titles, Descriptions, Keywords and Content, but to achieve a really good ranking, you must have others linked to your webpage, as well.

Blastomatic has taken all of the most popular link pages and created an automated system giving you the ability to post on them easily ... and not just FFA sites, either. Your information is placed into millions of classified ad sites as well, thus greatly increasing your link popularity. Although a cutting-edge viral software tool of this type could normally set you back about $350 or so, the good news for those of us who are on tight budgets is that we can use Blastomatic free of charge forever to boost our website traffic and build a profitable business from home.

Use Free Ad Submission

Enter your ad, sit back, and watch as your ad is submitted live to AdLandPro, 1America, 5StarAds, AbleWise, ClassifiesForFree, BestMall, Links2u, FFANet, DTL Network, WebSitings and many more well-known major ad sites.


•no software to download •no waiting; immediate real-time submissions •wysiwyg; watch submissions and responses live •only real major classified ad sites •all categories supported (biz opps, health, auto, computer, etc) •membership and login sites supported •major link sites •submission success reports and verification


1) If I chose to do so, I could publish an ad which would be perfectly within its rights to make this claim: "We dare you to take the challenge of finding a better deal than Blastomatic!"

2) Blastomatic is the most powerful ad submission system in the world. Best of all, I get to give it away for free!

3) No other ad submission service can compare to the "high-tech" service my prospects will receive from Blastomatic. Most companies charge a fee and provide an inferior service. I get to provide top notch service with a great product for free!

My Own Personal Experience With Blastomatic

Before I "pushed the button" on this thing, I fired up Outlook Express (which had been sitting unused in my computer) and set up some folders and did what I could in the way of getting as prepared as possible for whatever might happen as a result. 12 million ads is a lot of ads, it seemed to me, and even if only 1 in 10,000 responded, that would still leave me with 1,200 responses to contend with, and to me that seemed like a lot ... enough, certainly, to induce me to get serious about dealing with them.

It was 10 days ago exactly that I "pushed the button" and I haven't been able to do anything else since!

And I am hopelessly behind!

I will never catch up.

What I should have done before I pushed that button is lined up some people to share all these responses with, but I didn't think of it.

Types of Leads

Now let me tell you about the nature of the leads I'm getting. They seem to have sorted themselves out into about 4 groups:

The first group is what I'll call "premium leads" or people who saw the ad and want the service and also want to know what I'm doing and how I'm managing to attract 20-30 people to my business each week and so on and so forth ... serious marketers, in other words ... the kind that we'd all like to have more of. Status: I am up to 97 premium leads total since a week ago Friday when I did my thing with Blastomatic. Correction: I just checked my mail. I have 3 more! That's 6 total today alone. Now I'm at an even 100! It seems like every day I get a few more than I got the day before. About the best I seem to be able do with the rest of them is just count them as they go buzzing by.

The second group is what I'll call "pretty good leads". They filled out the Blastomatic form, all right, but they didn't click the link in the verification email the Blastomatic system sent them, so they're just sitting there in this huge pile waiting for me to send them a little message saying that, if they want the service, then they have to let me know by clicking on the link. Status: There are 267 of these "pretty good leads". I'm sure if they heard back from me, they'd hunt around for that verification email and send it off. Correction: That's 267 *so far*. By this time tomorrow, there'll be more. I guess what's happening out there is that more and more folks seem to be seeing my ad as more and more time goes by. I don't know how else to explain it.

The third group is what I will call the "reverse marketing" group. That is, they saw my ad and had the happy thought of sending me an email containing what amounts to a counteroffer. I thought I was immune to those, but guess what? There've been two so far that I couldn't resist! I picked up the phone and called and bought!

The fourth group is really a subset of the third group. That is, they're reverse marketing me, all right, but they're doing it through a proxy of one kind or another so that it's impossible for me to call them or write them. They're hoping I'll go straight to their website and buy their stuff, but I've taken a position on that and it's this: I'm not going to buy anything from anybody who is not willing to identify themselves to me and provide me with some means of getting in touch with them.

As to the status of groups three and four, it's thousands. Literally. Maybe as many as 5,000 total in the last 10 days, I don't know. I lost count.

Strategy: Now that I've taken a position on the subject of anonymous marketing, if I were opening each of these messages, then I would save the ones that included a phone number and email address within the body of the message and delete all the ones that didn't. And then I would come here to this forum -- in fact, that's exactly why I *did* come here! -- and put up a flag and ask if any of you all know how to write macros for determining whether or not a message has a phone number in it or an email address within the body copy somewhere or a name or any or all of the above? Providing I get an email client other than Outlook Express, I suppose, huh? That's probably not robust enough for the kind of programming it would take to relieve me of the onerous duty of opening thousands of emails?

Not that it really matters, I guess. If I just take 10% of that estimated 1200 or 120 premium leads and run, my one blast will have been very well worth what it cost me, which was 10 minutes of my time.

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